AR: Annual Report (includes estimated cost of services, LEA-BOP reimbursement, and how funds were reinvested. Due November 30th)
CDE: California Department of Education
CMS: Center for Medicaid Services (federal Medicaid agency)
CRCS: Cost Reconciliation Comparison Schedule (incorporates SMAA results and LEA’s actual costs of providing health services to students, to determine final reimbursement. Due March 30th)
CYBHI: Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative
DHCS: Department of Health Care Services (oversees Medi-Cal services; Medi-Cal is what we call Medicaid in California)
DUA: Data Use Agreement (contract between DHCS and LEA’s for sharing student data)
EHR: Electronic Health Record (platform for documenting student’s health services)
EOM: End of Month (refers to monthly reports)
IEP: Individual Educational Plan (legal document that identifies special education services)
LEA: Local Education Agency (school district)
LEA-BOP: LEA Billing Option Program (Medi-Cal Billing for school districts)
LEC: Local Educational Consortium (your SMAA agency)
LGA: Local Governmental Agency (county health department)
ORP: Order/Refer/Prescribe (orders/referrals/prescriptions, required for the LEA-BOP)
PPA: Provider Participation Agreement (contract between DHCS and LEA’s for LEA-BOP)
RMTS: Random Moment Time Survey (method used for SMAA participation)
SBR Partners: School Based Reimbursement (that’s us!)
SMAA: School-based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (reimbursement program for Medi-Cal outreach)
TSP: Time Survey Participant